lire le livre Fun Schway Interiors North American Feng Shui (English Edition)

Fun Schway Interiors North American Feng Shui (English Edition)


Titre original:Fun Schway Interiors North American Feng Shui (English Edition)
Type:PDF, ePub, Kindle
Téléchargé:2020 Nov 7

Fun Schway Interiors North American Feng Shui is a modern day look at the ancient art of living in harmony with your environment by Author Mallory Neeve Wilkins as part of an ongoing quest for a deeper understanding of life. Keeping the balance is a lifestyle and this book offers comprehensive, informative and easy-to-follow fun guidelines to enhance your home, life and career. When your life needs a correction, adjustment or change in regards to relationships, finances, health, career and creativity, you will enjoy this new way of looking at an olde way of observing the environment.Feng Shui was once called 'Kan Yu', meaning cover and support, reflecting above and below or heaven and earth concepts. This came from the 'I Ching' or better known as the 'Book of Changes'. A 5000 year old sacred study (the energy movement of wind and water) mapped the path of the Earth's subtle energies endeavoring to bring harmony and well-being to people, buildings and the environment.Changes within your home and the environment affect your mood, health and lifestyle. Every 'thing' carries energy, vibrates and has motion, as quantum physics explains, and western culture differs greatly from eastern ways. Universal law is said to be an interwoven life energy made up of both good luck Yang and bad luck Yin, ever creating the ups and downs. By being aware of your environment and the teachings of 'classic compass school' Feng Shui, you are able to make simple corrections.When your life has been altered, and you feel surrounded by negative energy from poor health, bad luck, misfortunes, career troubles or relationship problems, it is time to examine your environment. What has changed in your life, in your home? Was there a recent mishap, unwanted visitor, accident, a new purchase or recent renovation? When you notice a lack of balance - change your energy and change your life. Fun Schway Interiors, an inspirational look at how to be more aware of your surroundings to attract positive energy, will improve your health, relationships, career, finances and creativity by understanding that...'Pure energy in harmony with the environment is found within and without, above and below, as the way you treat your home is a direct reflection of how others treat you.' Good fun schway!